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For a Moment I Thought You Were Here but Then Again It Wasnt True Aurora

Photo Courtesy: Wikimedia

Abraham Lincoln once said, "If it'south on the net, so it must exist true, and you can't question it." At least, that'southward what the random internet message would accept you believe. Of class, the internet didn't fifty-fifty exist until more than 100 years subsequently, but that'southward merely nitpicking.

Pop culture has long taken history and added its own spin. As a result, about people don't know what's actually true and what'southward completely fabricated. Did George Washington actually cut down a blood-red tree? Did Thomas Edison actually invent the lightbulb? Go along reading to learn more than virtually xxx historical myths yous always thought were true — and the real facts behind them.

The Kickoff Thanksgiving

For Americans, Thanksgiving is ingrained in every kid'south identity. American kids abound upwardly learning that the pilgrims barely survived a particularly harsh winter before receiving assistance from friendly natives. Together, the white men and the Indians produced a bountiful harvest, and they all got together and fabricated the first-always Thanksgiving dinner to celebrate.

Photo Courtesy: Library of Congress's Prints and Photographs Partitioning/Wikipedia

In reality, more than one-half the Pilgrims died by March 1621, and almost all their crops failed. At the cease of that summer, they held a Harvest Festival consisting mostly of game and fish. They were joined past several Wampanoags, only it certainly wasn't a celebratory meal.

Lewis and Clark Wouldn't Have Survived Without Sacagawea

Sacagawea was a brave hero who saved Lewis and Clark's crew from sure disaster. If it wasn't for her guidance and her assistance negotiating with savage natives, the men would have died. At least, that's what yous were always told.

Photo Courtesy: Charles Marion Russel/Wikipedia

In their journals, Meriwether Lewis and William Clark do mention Sacagawea as a helpful presence — just that's it. The Shoshone woman was actually the wife of a French-Canadian trapper named Toussaint Charbonneau who acted every bit the outfit'south guide. She occasionally served equally an interpreter and in one case facilitated trading with members of her family, but that was the extent of her involvement with the mission.

Jesus Was Born on Christmas Twenty-four hour period

Many people — Christian and otherwise — grow upwardly believing that Christmas is Jesus' altogether. Some families fifty-fifty make birthday cards and cakes or put special decorations on their Christmas tree, just to celebrate their savior'southward birth. I slightly odd (and slightly agonizing) tradition is to peak the tree with a "Christmas nail."

Photo Courtesy: Gerard van Honthorst/Wikipedia

As information technology turns out, Christmas is more of a symbolic birthday than annihilation else. Scholars believe the historical Jesus was born between 6 and 3BC, sometime betwixt bound and autumn. When the Christian church building needed a holiday to celebrate the nascency of Jesus, they appropriated the infidel festival of winter solstice, a traditional time of gift-giving, family and celebration.

People Were Burned at The Stake During the Salem Witch Trials

The Salem witch trials are a notorious slice of American history. In the 1600s, pretty much anything could get someone accused of witchcraft — red hair, infidelity, airs, you name it. Innocent men, women and children were oftentimes accused by jealous or bitter "friends" and put on trial. Many were sentenced to death.

Photograph Courtesy: Unattributed/Wikipedia

While the process was harsh, it wasn't quite what pop-culture makes it out to be. Many movies and books draw victims existence burned at the stake. This never happened during the witch trials — or at whatever time in American history. How did they execute accused witches? Most of the convicted were hanged, although one was pressed to death.

Albert Einstein Was Bad at Math

You've probably heard that Albert Einstein was bad at math. The speech normally goes something similar, "Don't worry if you tin can't figure out algebra. Fifty-fifty Einstein was bad at math, and look at what he accomplished!" Some people even attempt to say he had a learning disability, but that'south just directly-upwards not truthful.

Photo Courtesy: Jackie Ramirez/Pixabay

Although Einstein wasn't always the best pupil, it was probable because sure subjects didn't interest him. Nevertheless, based on his accomplishments, it should be obvious he excelled in math and physics, even if he failed in other areas. After all, this is the human being who developed the groundbreaking Theory of Relativity!

Everyone Was Killed at the Alamo

In the ballsy 1960 motion picture The Alamo, John Wayne stars equally Davy Crockett, defending the ill-fated fortress. In the end, all the Texans are killed, salvage for one woman and i child. The story is a familiar ane, and Americans love to tell the tale of the ambushed fort and how everyone perished. It's an ode to American dust.

Photo Courtesy: Daniel Schwen/Wikipedia

In reality, Mexican General Antonio López de Santa Anna did wreak absolute havoc on the fort. All the men defending the fort were killed, but more than a dozen women and children survived — not just one solitary pair. Women and children were present during the battle, of form, but they were viewed every bit not-combatants and spared.

Walt Disney Created Mickey Mouse All on His Own

Mickey Mouse is ane of the nigh widely-recognized cartoon characters in the world. Prior to his introduction, Walt Disney struggled to find a stable foothold in the animation industry. Afterward things went s with his Oswald the Lucky Rabbit character, Walt and his studio needed a new serial — and a new star.

Photo Courtesy: MacGyverNRW/Pixabay

While most historical accounts annotation that Walt idea up the idea for a drawing mouse while on a railroad train ride from New York to California, some don't highlight that information technology took a team to bring the graphic symbol to life. One of Walt's pinnacle animators (and closest friends) Ub Iwerks — along with a young animator named Les Clark — helped Walt conceive the outset-known drawing of Mickey Mouse. Iwerks and so went on to do the bulk of the animation for the first few Mickey Mouse cartoons.

Moreover, Walt had wanted to telephone call the mouse "Mortimer." Luckily, his wife Lilian Disney vetoed that idea. ("Mickey" is just much more mannerly, right?)

300 Soldiers Held Off the Persians at Thermopylae for Three Days

If you lot've e'er seen the Frank Miller-produced action flick 300, you know that it's admittedly epic. Gerard Butler, in the function of Greek general Leonidas, leads his greatly-outnumbered men into battle confronting the Persian army. Although there are only 300 of them, they are able to hold off an enemy of thousands for 3 whole days without fill-in.

Photo Courtesy: The Guardian Nimatallah/De Agostini/Getty Images/Wikipedia

And so, what really happened? Yes, Leonidas' army of 300 Spartan soldiers went into battle, only they were supported past more than five,000 allies. As a event, the Greeks were able to concord off tens of thousands of Persians for three days — until they were betrayed by ane of their own and the enemy outflanked them.

Nero Played the Dabble While Rome Burned

When a devastating fire swept Rome in 64 Advertisement, Nero was emperor of the ancient city. You've probably heard that he gleefully played the fiddle while Rome burnt, just that's not accurate at all. For 1, the dabble was invented in the 11th century — a good 1,000 years after Nero's time.

Photo Courtesy: Henryk Siemiradzki/Wikimedia Commons

Instead, information technology'south more of a metaphor: Nero was seen every bit a ruthless tyrant who didn't care if the people of Rome were suffering. Certain, playing a fiddle during a fire actually captures that indifference, but how'd that myth start? Roman historian Tacitus claimed Nero sang while flames engulfed the metropolis.

Other sources claim Nero actually rushed in to help, just, regardless of the emperor's intentions, citizens certainly blamed him for the Great Fire of Rome.

Thomas Edison Invented the Light Bulb

Fact: Thomas Edison did not invent the light bulb. In reality, he has been defendant of stealing the idea for the bulb and several other inventions created by bottom-known scientists. Two inventors, Humphrey Davy and Joseph Swan, both developed working electric lights years before Edison — and Swan actually won a patent lawsuit confronting Edison.

Photo Courtesy: Nicepik

The trouble was that neither Swan'due south nor Davy'south light bulbs worked very well. Edison just took inspiration from their designs and improved the engineering science. Edison'south seedling included an upgraded filament and had a lower voltage than the others, resulting in a seedling that could last for hours and didn't cost an arm and a leg.

Orson Welles Reading War of the Worlds Caused Full Panic

In 1938, Orson Welles' public broadcast reading of War of the Worlds (ironically by H.1000. Wells) about caused the breakdown of gild. Convinced the world was existence attacked by conflicting creatures, people took to the streets with shotguns and other weapons. Information technology was complete mayhem — or and so the story goes.

Photo Courtesy: MaxPixel

Truth? Some people may take been convinced the Earth was about to be destroyed by alien invaders, simply non very many. In fact, merely a small portion of the population even heard Welles' broadcast at all. A ratings poll institute that just 2% of all radio listeners were tuned in to his bear witness that night. That'southward inappreciably enough to kickoff a worldwide panic.

Feminist Hippies Burned Their Bras

During the 1960s, women fought for equal rights and demanded equality with men. They wanted equal pay, access to contraceptives and a vocalization in the political arena. The media would accept you believe ane of their master forms of protest was to stand in front of a crowded arena and burn their bras.

Photo Courtesy: Jeremy Rice/Cultura Collection/Getty Images

This misinterpretation of the "hippie feminist" dates back to the 1968 Miss America Pageant, when several women threw their bras, corsets, mops and cookware into a garbage tin can as a means of protest. The media took artistic license and turned the women into "bra burners" to create a more than sensational story. The stereotype has stuck effectually for decades.

The American Civil War Was the First Time Americans Fought Each Other

Americans don't like to believe there's been a long history of strife among swain Americans. The Civil State of war is usually presented as a one-off occurrence that never happened before and would never happen once again. Americans are seen as a united people, with a common love of liberty and freedom — but that's not entirely historically authentic.

Photo Courtesy: John Trumball/Good Free Photos

During the American insurgence confronting Male monarch George Iii of England, in that location were just as many people who opposed freedom every bit those who fought for it. In reality, the colonists fought viciously confronting ane another during the American Revolution, with countless people trying to stop the insurgence against the crown. Fortunately, the true American patriots won.

Vincent Van Gogh Cutting Off His Entire Ear

Vincent van Gogh is regarded as one of the greatest painters of all fourth dimension. He was also completely mad, of course. Years later, he's known for his struggle with mental illness almost as much as he's known for his fine art. Case in signal: He cut off his own ear. But did he really?

Photo Courtesy: Van Gogh Museum/Wikipedia

That myth was put to residuum in 2016 when a drawing of his dissected ear, created by the doctor who treated him, came to light. In reality, van Gogh just cutting off the lower portion of one of his earlobes, which he then gifted to a sex worker whom he had just met. Withal bizarre, but not quite as bad!

The Caesarean Section Was Named Afterward Julius Caesar

Fable has it that Julius Caesar was born via the beginning-ever Caesarean section, and that's why the surgical process has the name it does today. In reality, historical records show that Caesar was likely built-in via natural childbirth in the customary way.

Photo Courtesy: DEA/A. Vergani/De Agostini//Getty Images

The Caesarean department birthing procedure is really named after Lex Caesarea (the law of Caesar). The ancient text stated that a child was to be cut from the womb if the mother died during childbirth. It should be noted, however, that the first written record of a c-section birth comes from Switzerland in 1500 when a pig farmer, Jacob Nufer, performed the operation on his married woman.

Magellan Sailed Around the Globe

In 1519, Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan and his crew set sheet for destinations unknown. His goal was to circumnavigate the globe for the first fourth dimension — and most people believe that he did. Yet, the story is only half true. Although Magellan organized the trip and his crew ultimately fabricated information technology around the earth, he did not.

Photo Courtesy: Wikimedia Commons

Magellan was killed about halfway through the trip during the Boxing of Mactan in the Philippine islands. He was succeeded by his 2d-in-command Juan Sebastian Elcano. Despite a series of mishaps and lots of bad weather, 18 members of the coiffure eventually made it back to Spain, completing the offset-always circumnavigation of the globe.

The Liberty Bell Was Cracked on July 4, 1776

Philadelphia locals will tell you the Freedom Bell was croaky on July 4, 1776, when the townspeople rang it to celebrate the nation's newfound independence. Prior to that, information technology was frequently sounded equally a way of proclaiming freedom and freedom for the American people.

Photo Courtesy: National Park Service

Unfortunately, there aren't whatsoever records to support that story. In fact, Congress didn't gloat the land's independence until July 8, 1776, and the antiquity wasn't publicly referred to as "The Freedom Bong" until a group of abolitionists called information technology that in 1839. The bell gained its current notoriety after the publication of Legends of the American Revolution in 1847, but not much of that work has whatever basis in fact.

Christopher Columbus Discovered the Americas

The myth that Christopher Columbus discovered America has duped more than people than any other story on this list. There'southward fifty-fifty a federal vacation jubilant his accomplishments! The truth is the Americas had natives living in them for thousands of years before any white men arrived — and Columbus wasn't even the first European to find them.

Photo Courtesy: Good Free Photos

Leif Erickson, a Norse missionary, landed on Canadian soil nearly 500 years before Columbus "discovered" the New World. Erickson was an explorer and a merchant who besides hoped to convert unsaved natives to Christianity. He spent a few months in North America before setting sail for Greenland and condign chieftain of the settlement there.

Queen Isabella Pawned the Royal Jewels to Fund Columbus' Mission

Another long-continuing myth on the Columbus forepart is that his entire mission was funded by Queen Isabella of Spain, who had to sell her jewels to come up up with the cash. No one knows how this story got started, just information technology's entirely untrue.

Photo Courtesy: Expert Free Photos

When Columbus starting time approached Isabella and Ferdinand, it's true that their funds were tied up elsewhere. That but meant he had to wait, and once the crown accomplished victory over the Muslims in Granada, they had the funds to finance his explorations. By that time, Columbus had already covered roughly half of his trip through private investors, but the monarchs paid the remaining costs.

The Island of Manhattan Was Purchased for $24 Worth Of Beads

Today, Manhattan is 1 of the world'southward largest metropolises. The land is undoubtedly worth more than any single living person could probably beget, which is probably the reason people beloved to tell the story that the little island was acquired for just $24 worth of chaplet back in the day.

Photo Courtesy: Christopher Czermak/Unsplash

Great tale, but is it truthful? Non really. Manhattan was purchased from the Lenape Nation in 1626, just no 1 can actually say for sure how they were paid. Historians think the items traded were worth roughly 60 guilders, or about $thousand in today'due south money. The same price was paid for Staten Island. Still a bargain, but non quite as impressive!

George Washington Chopped Downward a Ruby-red Tree

George Washington is a legend amid men. He was the nation's first president and i of its greatest generals. As legend has it, he was incapable of dishonesty, as proven by the tale of chopping down his male parent'southward crimson tree when he was a vi-year-old boy. When asked about it, he supposedly said, "I cannot tell a lie. I did cut information technology with my hatchet."

Photo Courtesy: Emanuel Leutze/Wikipedia

Many adults today wouldn't even admit to cutting down someone else's tree. As it turns out, neither did Washington. The fabled upshot never happened and was made past biographer Bricklayer Locke Weems. That'south one manner to sell a book, but when it comes to Washington, you accept to wonder why the author always idea tall tales were necessary.

The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere

If it wasn't for Paul Revere, the entire American Revolution would take fallen apart. Why? Because he spotted a signal sent with lanterns in Boston's Sometime North Church and rode his horse like the devil (in the center of the night) to warn his brethren that the "British were coming." Or did he?

Photo Courtesy: Brian Fakhoury/Pixabay

It seems he did try some sort of midnight ride, but he simply made it as far as Lexington, where he warned Sam Adams and John Hancock they were about to be arrested past British troops. Of course, he also alerted the militia along his style, but shortly thereafter, he was arrested by British troops who confiscated his horse — leaving him unable to complete his mission.

Marie Antoinette Said, "Let Them Eat Cake"

Marie Antoinette, the last queen of France earlier the French Revolution, was notoriously indifferent to the troubles of the masses. Many of the people blamed the country's abject poverty on her lavish spending. According to legend, when there was no bread for the poor to eat, she responded, "Let them eat block."

Photo Courtesy: Jean-Baptiste Gautier Dagoty/Wikipedia

Although she was thoroughly disliked, this never even happened and certainly wasn't the reason. The queen did like to live the loftier life, but she was also a generous patron to charities and was moved past the plight of the poor, which would take made such a statement completely out of grapheme.

Robert Due east. Lee Was a Better Full general Than Ulysses Due south. Grant

Some people (peculiarly those in the South) would similar to believe that Ulysses S. Grant only bested Robert E. Lee through sheer luck. After all, Lee was clearly the better full general and never should take lost to Grant.

Photo Courtesy: Public Domain/Wikiquote

It is true that Robert E. Lee was a brilliant strategist and full general — but so was Grant. Both men were accomplished soldiers, famed tacticians and beloved by their men. When Lee charged into battle against Grant, he met his equal on the field. After Chancellorsville and the decease of Stonewall Jackson, he never won another major battle again. He wasn't duped; he was simply outmaneuvered.

Joseph Kennedy Sr. Was a Bootlegger

Joseph Kennedy Sr. — male parent to President John F. Kennedy — was an incredibly wealthy man, with a personal fortune that was said to take totaled almost $180 million (or $3.29 billion in today'southward money). How did he earn it? Legend says he made his money bootlegging during Prohibition.

Photo Courtesy: Bettman/Getty Images

In reality, Kennedy's story is a lot less sordid. No testify exists that he consorted with gangsters or participated in selling illegal alcohol. Instead, about of his fortune came from real estate, motion pictures and playing the stock market. His only connectedness to alcohol came later on Prohibition, when he used his inside connections to gain a lucrative importing contract and started legally selling to customers.

The Jumpers of 1929

In the stock market crash of 1929, thousands of bankers, stockbrokers and other financial professionals lost their fortunes. In total, 9,000 banks failed during the next 10 years. It would make sense to believe that many of those people collapsed nether the force per unit area and took their own lives.

Photograph Courtesy: U.S. National Athenaeum and Records Administration/Wikipedia

Oddly enough, the suicide charge per unit actually dropped after the stock market place crash of 1929, although no one tin actually say why. Ane theory is that great tragedy makes people realize the value of life, and they button harder to survive. Although the press liked to impress sensationalized stories well-nigh devastated bankers jumping from their function windows, it actually only happened twice during the entire Depression.

Napoleon Bonaparte Was Ridiculously Short

Napoleon Bonaparte was a military machine genius who rose to prominence during the French Revolution and somewhen became the Emperor of France. He was also incredibly short. In fact, it'southward often theorized that much of his assailment and ambition stemmed from the fact that he was trying to compensate for his small-scale stature. (Napoleon complex, anyone?)

Photo Courtesy: lppicture/Pixabay

In reality, he wasn't actually all that small. Napoleon was nigh 5′ vii″ — non unusual for a man of his time. So why all the rumors almost his height? It seems that Napoleon made other people feel insecure, and his complete dominance on the battleground left them wanting to undermine him in any mode possible — even via foolish personal attacks.

Medieval People Believed the Earth Was Flat

It'due south a common theme in history course: Europeans believed the Earth was flat until Christopher Columbus sailed the ocean blue and proved them wrong. All the same, historians acknowledge that people knew the Earth was round for hundreds of years prior to Columbus' beingness.

Photo courtesy: Joel Sharpe/Moment Collection/Getty Images

The earliest mention of a spherical Earth dates to the fifth century in the writings of aboriginal Greek scholars. In improver, Ptolemy's Geography, the text most explorers turned to for information, clearly stated the World was circular. These theories were confirmed in a physical sense by the later circumnavigation of the globe by Ferdinand Magellan and Juan Sebastián Elcano in the early 16th century.

Gun Fights Happened Daily in the Wild West

Hollywood Westerns are famous for their fast and frequent gunfights. They brand it seem like any perceived slight in the Old West led to whipping out your revolver and gunning someone down. Information technology makes for great picture palace, but gunfights were actually few and far between in the Westward.

Photo Courtesy: John C. H. Grabill Drove/Wikipedia

Accurate facts most the Wild Westward are hard to come by, but most historians agree the duels and barroom fights depicted in television and movies didn't really occur. When a gunfight did occur, it was normally all-out mayhem, with lots of shots were fired and the intended target often not hit — guns just weren't very accurate back in the 24-hour interval.

There Are More People Alive Today Than Have Died Throughout History

Fact: The earth today has a ton of people living on it — more than than 7.4 billion, actually. Popular myth would have you believe only nearly six billion people have died up until this point, which would be well-nigh a billion less than are alive correct now.

Photograph Courtesy: Espen Sundvy/Flickr

So, does the current world population actually add up to more people than accept e'er lived before, in the entire history of mankind? Not really. Those estimates are based on the time that has passed since the Egyptians built the pyramids, and then that's not an authentic starting point. Billions more people died before then, then the world hasn't quite reached this indicate withal.


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