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Green Coconut Drawing

Kids tin learn how to make a greenish kokosnoot drawing.

Expect 6 easy steps to follow, children volition enjoy designing their ain green kokosnoot on newspaper. Too included is a printable version of this green coconut cartoon lesson.

Perfect for art teachers and homeschoolers looking to instruct kids how to draw their own greenish coconut.

Enjoy creating a colorful dark-green coconut drawing and retrieve to add some personal details. At present allow's get started.


  • Pencil
  • Drawing Paper
  • Crayons or Colored Pencils
  • Blackness Marker (optional)
  • Greenish Coconut Drawing Printable PDF (run into lesser of lesson)

Green Coconut Drawing: All Steps

In this lesson, we will start with a new piece of newspaper and learn how to draw a light-green kokosnoot drawing in a serial of steps. Information technology's all-time if we pay attending to the shape and size of each office of the green coconut.

Time Needed: 20 minutes

  1. Draw The Basic Shape

    Green Coconut Drawing: Step 1

    Using your pencil, describe the basic shape of your kokosnoot. The shape is kind of heart-shaped.

  2. Add Details Inside The Coconut

    Green Coconut Drawing: Step 2

    Now we add together curvy lines on the top of our coconut.

  3. Draw The First Stem

    Green Coconut Drawing: Step 3

    Then describe the outset stem slanted to the left.

  4. Add The 2d Stem

    Green Coconut Drawing: Step 4

    Draw another stem, this fourth dimension tilted to the correct.

  5. Add together Few More Details Within The Coconut

    Green Coconut Drawing: Step 5

    We can add some bumps to our coconut drawing. Practice this past adding some slanted lines just like in my cartoon.

  6. Consummate Your Drawing

    Green Coconut Drawing: Step 6

    At present we tin add colors to our kokosnoot cartoon. Nosotros used dark-green crayons with highlights and shadows to make this coconut look round and 3D.

Light-green Coconut Cartoon PDF Download

Click the link below to view or download this cartoon lesson. The PDF is a printable drawing lesson for Green Kokosnoot Drawing. The last page of the downloadable PDF includes a coloring book page with merely the outlines and an extension exercise for prompting kids to get artistic!

Nigh Coconuts

The coconut is an important ingredient in many recipes. It can also be eaten raw, shredded, grated or blended. It has many wellness benefits and it's delicious too!

Coconuts are a fruit from a tropical palm tree and grow in the tropics and subtropics effectually the earth, such equally Republic of india, Indonesia, or Brazil.

The coconut is a versatile fruit – y'all tin drink the h2o, milk or eat its flesh. Y'all can also apply information technology to brand oil or flour for cooking.

Coconut h2o and coconut milk are two unlike things. The fat content is higher (xv-xx%), but the saccharide content is depression. This makes it perfect for employ in dishes like curries, where its rich flavor adds depth to the taste. It tin also exist used to make coconut foam.


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